data class Event(var uid: String? = null, var sequence: Int? = null, var userAgents: LinkedList<String> = LinkedList(), var recurrenceId: RecurrenceId? = null, var summary: String? = null, var location: String? = null, var url: URI? = null, var description: String? = null, var color: Css3Color? = null, var dtStart: DtStart? = null, var dtEnd: DtEnd? = null, var duration: Duration? = null, val rRules: LinkedList<RRule> = LinkedList(), val exRules: LinkedList<ExRule> = LinkedList(), val rDates: LinkedList<RDate> = LinkedList(), val exDates: LinkedList<ExDate> = LinkedList(), val exceptions: LinkedList<Event> = LinkedList(), var classification: Clazz? = null, var status: Status? = null, var opaque: Boolean = true, var organizer: Organizer? = null, val attendees: LinkedList<Attendee> = LinkedList(), val alarms: LinkedList<VAlarm> = LinkedList(), var lastModified: LastModified? = null, val categories: LinkedList<String> = LinkedList(), val unknownProperties: LinkedList<Property> = LinkedList()) : ICalendar
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constructor(uid: String? = null, sequence: Int? = null, userAgents: LinkedList<String> = LinkedList(), recurrenceId: RecurrenceId? = null, summary: String? = null, location: String? = null, url: URI? = null, description: String? = null, color: Css3Color? = null, dtStart: DtStart? = null, dtEnd: DtEnd? = null, duration: Duration? = null, rRules: LinkedList<RRule> = LinkedList(), exRules: LinkedList<ExRule> = LinkedList(), rDates: LinkedList<RDate> = LinkedList(), exDates: LinkedList<ExDate> = LinkedList(), exceptions: LinkedList<Event> = LinkedList(), classification: Clazz? = null, status: Status? = null, opaque: Boolean = true, organizer: Organizer? = null, attendees: LinkedList<Attendee> = LinkedList(), alarms: LinkedList<VAlarm> = LinkedList(), lastModified: LastModified? = null, categories: LinkedList<String> = LinkedList(), unknownProperties: LinkedList<Property> = LinkedList())
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list of Calendar User Agents which have edited the event since last sync