Package-level declarations


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abstract class AndroidCalendar<out T : AndroidEvent>(val account: Account, val provider: ContentProviderClient, val eventFactory: AndroidEventFactory<T>, val id: Long)

Represents a locally stored calendar, containing AndroidEvents (whose data objects are Events). Communicates with the Android Contacts Provider which uses an SQLite database to store the events.

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class AndroidCompatTimeZoneRegistry(base: TimeZoneRegistry) : TimeZoneRegistry

Wrapper around default TimeZoneRegistry that uses the Android name if a time zone has a different name in ical4j and Android.

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abstract class AndroidEvent(val calendar: AndroidCalendar<AndroidEvent>)

Stores and retrieves VEVENT iCalendar objects (represented as Events) to/from the Android Calendar provider.

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Defines mappings between Android CalendarContract.Attendees and iCalendar parameters.

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class BatchOperation(providerClient: ContentProviderClient)
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Represents an RGBA COLOR value, as specified in

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abstract class DmfsTask(val taskList: DmfsTaskList<DmfsTask>)

Stores and retrieves VTODO iCalendar objects (represented as Tasks) to/from the provider (currently and OpenTasks).

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interface DmfsTaskFactory<out T : DmfsTask>
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abstract class DmfsTaskList<out T : DmfsTask>(val account: Account, val provider: TaskProvider, val taskFactory: DmfsTaskFactory<T>, val id: Long)

Represents a locally stored task list, containing DmfsTasks (tasks). Communicates with content providers (currently and OpenTasks) to store the tasks.

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open class ICalendar
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open class JtxCollection<out T : JtxICalObject>(val account: Account, val client: ContentProviderClient, iCalObjectFactory: JtxICalObjectFactory<JtxICalObject>, val id: Long)
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open class JtxICalObject(val collection: JtxCollection<JtxICalObject>)
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class Task : ICalendar
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Helpers to (de)serialize unknown properties as JSON to store it in an Android ExtendedProperty row.